Well, so far Les and I have answered one question on our horror movie trivia sheet. Only 30 more to go!!!
Also, my newest alias is Stunt Driver McGee. I have adopted this moniker because of my uncanny ability to take corners while driving 50 mph. My sidekick is, of course, Leslie, and she laughs at my jokes. I call her "Scrappy" but she despises that name and prefers to be known as "Alejandro Merianga", so usually I call her Scrappy.
What else is new, you ask? Well, I'll tell you. First of all, I just made hot chocolate only it is Cadbury's and it is called "drinking chocolate". When I drink it I wear a hat and everybody calls me "Charles" or "Sir Charles". I also say things like "Cheerio" and "Splendid" so Leslie said to stop or she will throw the "drinking chocolate" away. Second of all, our neighbor's dog is barking. I hate that dog because it barks all the time. Sometimes I think about poisoning it, but that would be really awful so I never actually do it. Third of all, I did not go to my first class because I was too tired and fourth of all, Leslie gave me an awesome birthday gift. I was totally surprised, not even expecting it. My eyes got really big and I made excited noises I was so surprised. Fifth of all, I must apologize to Jon and Gale because I talked so much.
Well, that's everything, except that they called Leslie "Muscles" today at work. She's tough that's why.