Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Well, my sister is in China right now. Sometimes I worry about her and I'll probably do that while she's gone. I'm always imagining the worst things happening to her; like if she goes for a boat ride I imagine someone drowning her in a fit of rage or if she goes to the county fair I hope that she doesn't get kidnapped by some crazy carni-person. She just gets into the strangest situations and also she's my sister so it's only natural that I worry about her while she's in Communist China.

On to something else: A new stray kitten came to my house! It is perfectly adorable and extremely friendly and my other cats absolutely hate it. I think I'm going to call it Susanne.

I also bought a quilt last night for no reason, except that it was on sale and it was pure silk. I might have a real problem here folks. I am saving money but I shouldn't be spending the residue on silk-no-reason-quilts. You know what though, I'm going to consider it an investment, because really, when is a quilt not going to come in handy? The answer is never. It will never not be useful. If you noticed, that sentence contained two negatives. That is never supposed to be done, but I can get away with it because yes (Traever stupid-head) I am a writing major.

Friday, February 09, 2007

Triple Awesome

These blogger people, they are trying to make me join the "Beta Revolution" and you know what? I don't join any revolution that I am not the leader of so that puts a stop right on it. For real though, I'll log on to post and they won't let me do it because I'm not "Beta" enough for them. Anyway enough of that because it doesn't even make sense to me.

I didn't get to go to Colorado suckas, and that's a tragedy. It's okay though, because I got to stay home and sleep and I've decided that I'm going boarding this year if I have to 1) walk to a mountain 2) all by myself and 3) break someone's leg for a lift ticket. Of course I might be joking, but we'll just see how it goes.

My car is about ready to die, and this is for real folks. I'm going to have to start saving for a new one and that is so depressing. Saving money is depressing because it means you have grown up. Plus I'm no good at it. I'll get better though I'm sure.

I am going to play Resident Evil 4 tonight. You have no idea how excited I am. The last time I played it my poor character's head was cut off by a crazy woman holding a chainsaw. It was horrible and I actually screamed out loud.