Monday, February 27, 2006

It Was Pretty Fun

GAD was pretty fun. It started off kind of shaky because JonAthan refused to order the pizza as soon as I got there (which was about an hour early). However, things quickly looked up when he showed us the cake he baked, with his own two hands, for James Augustine's birthday. It was decorated and everything. I was impressed.

Also, JonAthan and I got into a slight argument over an Iowa player who was obviously bald, and yes I know he shaves his head, but he was still noticeably bald. However, I felt bad because all the Gridley people picked up on this sore spot right away and teased JonAthan to no end. Sorry about that.

Other Noteworthy Occurances:
- I was told that if I did not shape up then I would have to sit on the floor with all the other non-Gridley people.
- There was a giant TV that JonAthan apparently stole from his neighbor.
- Dennis said Bob Knight was an asshole (don't tell that to anyone).
- Ali and I got to spend the majority of the afternoon together.
- Illinois won

I hate spiders. There weren't any spiders at GAD, but I hate them so much that if there were giant spiders hiding in some woods I would buy a helicopter and get a machine gun, no, several machine guns and I would have to find all of the giant spiders (in my helicopter where they couldn't get me) and shoot them to bits. There, that's out.

Anyway, I just bought the first season of Avatar: The Last Airbender and I am going to go watch it. So see ya suckas!

Friday, February 24, 2006

Mushroom Pizza

JonAthan, here's the most important thing:
- I like mushroom pizza.

Here's an example of how hard you should remember that:
- If you ever wash up on the shore of some island (like Tahiti) and you can't remember your name or where you came from or how you ended up on the shores of Tahiti anyway, at least you will know, somewhere deep in your heart, that I ("I" as in me, not you) like mushroom pizza.

Just know that when I walk into your apartment on Saturday that will be the first thing I look for.

Did you know:
- That a tribe in the Amazon rainforest called the Wari (and some of you already know this and I don't care so just shut your mouths) used to eat their dead. They did this because they thought burial was disrespectful, so they would let the body rot for a few days and then eat it as part of the "funeral." They don't do that anymore.

- That in Europe, especially places like Italy, they are running out of places to bury people, so they'll bury the dead person and have a funeral and everything and then in like five years they dig the person up and cremate them and then bury someone else in their grave and so on and so forth.

I suppose that's enough of that. I have to go take my French midterm that I haven't studied for. Wish me luck!

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Cadbury Chocolate

I'm thinking of going to France next year. Seriously. Except I don't really want to go to France. I'd rather go to England or Ireland or Austria. But France is where they speak French (besides French Canadia) and since that's my minor I'd have to go there. Plus I'd miss Christmas.

I want to go to Russia and visit the Kremlin, but then I'd come right back home. I wouldn't want to spend the night in Russia. But I think it would be cool to look at Vladimir Lenin in his glass case. I think they might have finally buried him though because he was starting to decay or something. I'm not sure. I'm also not sure what I'm talking about because I got like fifteen minutes of sleep last night. It was all my redaction's (remember, it's pronounced ray-dak-tee-on) fault because I put it off until the very last minute and then it took longer than I thought.

I bought Easter candy, you know, those Cadbury eggs. I ate almost all of them. I love Cadbury's chocolate. It is my absolute favorite chocolate. It is the best in the world. Also, I saw a chocolate cross the other day. I wasn't sure if I liked that . . . the idea of people eating the thing that Jesus died on. That seemed a little inappropriate to me. But anyhow, Cadbury chocolate is better than any chocolate in the world and when I eat it I feel like the Earl of Glouceister. I don't even know if Glouceister is anything, but if it were I would be Earl of it and I would eat Cadbury's daily.

Also, did you know that Cadbury's makes hot chocolate, and they call it "drinking chocolate?" I like the way that sounds but I always forget to order it that way in restaurants. It's a curse.

Monday, February 20, 2006

Freezing to Death II: For Real This Time

We are for real freezing to death. Our heater broke and so last night Holly and I slept in 50 degree coldness. It was very awful. However, the heater guy just left and he said it was fixed, so we should be fine tonight.

I am not ashamed of this, but I really like the movie Curious George. We are playing it at my movie theater and so I see it about four times a day, and it is adorable! The little monkey is sooooooooo cute. I think that these people would like it:
- Holly - because it is adorable
- Les - because it's adorable and pretty funny
- Callie - because it's not scary at all
- Tommy - for the same reason as Callie
- Jake - because the entire soundtrack is Jack Johnson
- Rich - because it has this one funny part I think he'd laugh at

These are the people who I think would not like it:
- Traever - I don't think he'd take my word for it, or spend time watching it
- JonAthan - not sure, but for the same reasons as Traver
- Jenn - because Jenn only likes to do things that aren't a waste of time

I was at work most of today and I have to write my "redaction" pronounced "ray-dak-tee-on" which means "really boring essay" in French. So long, Je ne suis pas heureuse de ces devoirs.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

And Did I Mention That the Pop Machine Stole My Fifty Cents

The blood thing went really well because the lady who took my blood did not poke my veins a million times with her needle. She did really well and her name was Jaqui and she was nice. She kept asking me if I was all right. She thought I looked pale, but I'm normally pretty pale so nothing out of the ordinary. Just thought you'd like to know.

I am very very tired and I haven't done a lick of my midterm portfolio. I am so screwed. I am also angry with myself because I should be doing school work but instead I stay up late watching amazing Hungarian movies with characters named Gyalogkakuk. However, I wouldn't do it any other way. It's shameful.

I have to go to class now. I might fall asleep, but I don't want to. The professor is a trifle boring but extremely nice and so I would feel bad if I fell asleep. Especially since I sit right across from him.

Monday, February 13, 2006

Freezing to Death

When you freeze to death you do not sit there thinking about how you are freezing to death. Instead you start to get drowsy and dizzy, kind of like when you're drunk, or so I've heard. Anyway, you start to get really sleepy and you know you should keep walking, but then you start to not care at all and then you think you'll lie down for just a minute and take a nap and then you do and voila! You freeze to death! At least that's how it happened in this short story that I can't remember the title of by Jack London. It's a really good short story. You should read it JonAthan, because I said. There's a guy and his spit freezes before it hits the ground. There's also a dog and the dog lives, which I always thought appropriate.

Another really really good short story is "The Open Boat" by Stephen Crane. Seriously, it is one of the most awesomest short stories ever. And if you read the accompanying article by Crane it becomes even better. I recommend it to the entire population of the world . . . along with "The Most Dangerous Game" and "Lonegan and the Ants" (at least that's what I think it's called) and J.D. Salinger's short story collection. Enough recommendations . . .

I have to give blood in a little bit. I don't want to. They destroy my little arteries with their fierce pokery. I want to go home and hide in a corner, but I'm not going to. I'm going to give blood. I always wonder who, exactly, is getting my blood and why and so from now on I've decided to imagine people like Traever, who are always very-nearly-dying getting my blood. That makes it more entertaining, because while I'm sitting in a weirdo lawn chair with tubes running out of me, taking my blood away, I can think of funny, very-nearly-dying stories for my imaginary dumkoff. Otherwise it's very boring and oftentimes my arm goes numb.

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Hellooo, Les is Like My Other Half

First of all, Les is my other half. We think about the same things, we like the same things, we laugh at the same things, and lately I have been missing her terribly because I have been so busy with school and work it seems like I hardly ever see her. Also, she keeps me pretty honest. Callie keeps us crazy, Ali keeps us straight, Elise keeps us kind, Holly keeps us laughing, and Jenn takes care of us.

Before I get too sappy let me just say this one thing. The guys at the super bowl party who kept asking me to sit by them were close to my age and they were pretty cute. Also, they just wanted me to sit by them because I got Ben to turn the heat down in the balcony like they asked. They considered me their friend from then on. Also, I think they were trying to wrangle free pizza out of me. Luckily I'm not that kind of girl.

Whenever I think about which way I would prefer to die I always come up with "drowning." I'd pick drowning over "being burned alive" and "falling from a really tall building." I think Tommy said that he would prefer falling from a really tall building to drowning. Drowning is just so much more dramatic though and your body isn't all crushed and broken at the end, which doesn't matter at all, but hey, neither does this topic.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Adventures at the Super Bowl Party

Well I had to work the Super Bowl party at the Castle. First of all there were lots of people there. Four of those people were these weird-o guys. Everytime I went upstairs to the balcony, where they were sitting, they would yell, "There she is!!" I would look at them skeptically and then one of them would pat the seat next to him and say, "Come sit right here. Come on. Come onnnnnnnn." I would then smile nervously and back away slowly. They were good tippers though.

Also my manager made me do the marquee which is hard and it was cold so my fingers were numb and I couldn't work the letter-hanger-upper very well and I broke an "S" and there were all these jerks out under the marquee smoking and making comments and asking me "how's come a pretty little thing like me had to do all the hard work." The man who said that was drunk and old. If Callie and Alli had been there then things would have been fine, but they went to another Super Bowl party where everyone was most likely smiling and probably not drunk and rude. At least I have Gridley Appreciation Day to look forward to.

Monday, February 06, 2006

Lazy (Oh Dear)

I'm getting a little worried. I thought I was going through a lazy stage, but now I think it might be a "rest of my life" kind of thing. I've skipped at least one day in each class that I have and we're only about a month into the semester. Also, I'm doing everything last minute and I'm not doing any of my reading. However, if I take it into perspective, I've always done things the morning of, including my nine weeks project in Mrs. McGroarty's biology class. Also, I'm pretty well known for missing lots and lots of school and I'm actually gettting to class on time this semester, contrary to my previous acedemic careers. I don't know about you but I feel better already. I'm supposed to be in French class but instead I'm going to go take a shower.

Thursday, February 02, 2006

In Case You Didn't Know

And so it comes to this.

First of all, if I could be any animal I would probably choose a cat of some kind, and now that I think of it, I would rather like being a kitten because they are cute and little, but their teeth and claws are very sharp and if I were a kitten I'd look all cute and then people would pet me and then I'd bite them with my pointy little teeth. It would be wonderful!

I have already established that Callie is an irrate chipmunk and Leslie is a kangaroo and Holly is a very pretty, tropical bird or one of those very cute furry little dogs that fit in hand bags . . . but that's all.

I'm pretty sure that I'm going to be a ship's captain. I'll have to cut my hair short and get a steely glint in my eye but I think it sounds really cool to sail around the world on a big boat full of cargo. Of course I'd also have to have a gun in a holster.

I am going to miss the super bowl because of work. This is the first time that I will not be able to watch it with Ali and Callie since we started our tradition three years ago. I am very depressed about that, however I'm hoping that Gridley Appreciation Day will make up for it.