Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Dos Reales

Dos Reales is one of the best Mexican restaurants ever. The full list of best Mexican restaurants ever is as follows:
- El Puerton
- Fiesta Ranchera
- Dos Reales

We have ants in our kitchen. That really makes me nervous because I hate ants. I think it's their swarming potential. Ants can swarm and eat the flesh from your bones, especially if they are giant, red, flesh eating ants from Peru, which these aren't, but still I hate ants. Also, did you know that ants have wars? They do. I saw it on the Discovery Channel when I was little and a red ant colony and a black ant colony had a war. I mean, they fought over something and cut each others legs off with their pincers. Ants are just creepy.

Does anybody remember that movie, "Honey I Shrunk the Kids?" I dislike that movie, but anyway, there was that little boy and he made friends with the ant and he called it "anty" and that always upset me because that's a stupid name. It's like naming your dog "doggy." First off, if I found a giant ant, I'd kill it right away and second, I would name it "Duane" or something, anything besides "anty."

Gasoline is so expensive right now that I want to become a radical and light something on fire, but I won't. I would never really do anything like that.

Monday, March 27, 2006

Ummmm . . . What?

Well . . . I think I'm in shock because I just finished reading that long series of comments on the last post and I just can't seem to form coherent thoughts in my head. I think it's best if I talk about something amazing now.

Something Amazing:
- I am going to get up at 6:00 in the morning tomorrow and I am going to go running. This is why: Because my cousin Ike was talking about this marathon relay he participated in and he ran his 11 miles averaging 6 minutes per mile and one of his teammates ran his 13 miles averaging 5 minutes and 25 seconds per mile. I immediately felt worthless after hearing this and decided that someday I would be able to survive in the wilderness entirely on my own. I'd live like Grisley Adams, except without the beard. I'd build my own log house and hunt for berries and deer and what-not. What does this have to do with getting up at 6:00 AM to go running? Nothing really. Maybe I'll scratch that and learn how to shoot a bow and arrows.

Other Things of Notice:
- my cousin Ike rules suckas!!
- I don't think I need looking after. I mean, I usually stay out of trouble.
- master plans are my speciality, not yours JonAthan.
- I hate chicken salad and egg salad and potato salad . . . all of those kinds of things.

I think I'm forgetting something important that I need to do school-wise, so I'm off to try and remember what it is.

Monday, March 20, 2006

That Reminds Me

That reminds me, Dave, I'm going to be in Morton next Sunday because my aunt and cousin are visiting my grandma. They're from Alaska and so when they visit us we all jump like trained poodles and spend time together. I hope that doesn't sound bitter because it's not meant to.

An Easterly Wind . . . or Whatever

Well children, it's story time again:

Once upon a time my very good friend decided to go ahead and get married. The end.

Discussion questions:
1) That's all well and good, but who's going to go snowboarding with me? And if she does go, then will she have to drag that boy of hers along? Because he's not really invited.

2) What about the rodeo? I mean, we have to go to the rodeo. That's it. Final answer.

Anyway, my roommates got back from Mexico and didn't even say "hi" to me. That's okay because I hate them too. Ha ha! Just kidding. I don't hate my roommates at all, in fact, I like them a lot. What happened was, they were very tired, in fact Holly was sleeping on the couch, and I was in a very angry mood and so I didn't say anything either. I suppose I should have been like, "Welcome back roommates! I am very glad that you did not get cholera from Mexican water!" or something of that nature, but I just made supper and went to bed.

It's supposed to snow tonight, but I doubt it. My manager said there was an easterly wind though and that meant that something strange was going to happen, like lots of snow in March. I'd rather it be something strange like maybe a Sid Vicious t-shirt magically appearing in my closet . . . that kind of thing.

I wish Leslie were here. She would tell me a joke or something. Nobody knows any good jokes anymore.

Saturday, March 11, 2006

No Chicago This Weekend . . . Ughhhh

Hopefully everyone went off to Mexico and they're having a wonderful trip full of safeness and friendship. I am going back to school and it will not be full of those things, well maybe the friendship. I went to Mexico once and contrary to previously held beliefs the water didn't kill us, we didn't see el chulpacabra (sp?) and yes there were tacos.

In Mexico we stayed at a frightening hotel (which was actually in Arizona). The pool was in the middle of the courtyard surrounded by a high, concrete wall. Also there might have been bars on the window, but I don't remember. I do remember that Callie and I shared a room with Angie and Callie and I shared a bed and Callie made me sleep closest to the door and we made Angie sleep in the outdated hospital bed. The TV was mounted on the wall and the shower was amazing.

In other news the sun rose in the east and it will most likely set in the west.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Hey Les . . . .

Hey Les, where are you going to be for spring break? Are you going to have to work during the week or are you going home? Anyway, I might see you today. I'm going to stop by the apartment. Also, I just thought I'd let you know, I'm still counting the days until March 14th! Can you wait? Because I can't. Sometimes I squeal randomly I'm so excited.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Stupid Canada . . . Stealing My Friends

There was absolutely no aftermath today. Everything was pretty calm and uneventful. News:
- I bought a new sweatshirt
- I found some shoes that I must own

Last night I went out with Beth because she is heading off to Canada and I am going to miss her and she might miss me a little so we did some hanging out. We went to Goodwill and I bought some jogging pants and a paper knife . . . made of glass! It is soooo cool. It's pretty sharp too.

By the way, a paper knife is a knife one uses to open envelopes. A letter opener! That's what it's called! I read a lot of Agatha Christie and in her books people are often stabbed with letter openers or "paper knives" as the Brits call them and so "paper knife" just stuck in my head and that's what I call them.

Leslie just made some violent arm motions that alarmed me. But it's over now.

Holly is at this moment describing her encounter with a guy who was smoking weed on the quad. It is incredibly hilarious. She is going to try and catch him at it tomorrow with Leslie as her witness. Unfortunately I will not be there to see this wonder.