Wednesday, September 27, 2006

By the Way . . . .

By the way, I may have already mentioned this, but at the rodeo we read this article posted on a metal cabinet in Joe and Walt's Fort Diner about a bear this forest ranger killed. The bear was like 16 feet tall, it was so tall that if it stood on it's hind legs next to your house it could look into a wondow on the second floor and the forest ranger guy had to shoot it like six times in the body and like four times in the head before it died AND it had already eaten TWO people before the forest guy killed it. They found the remains of two hikers in its stomach. After I read that I was like, "Woah."

Also, for some reason I went back and read all the comments on this here blog and I couldn't believe how funny they were. It was weird.

Green is One of My Favorite Colors (i also like blue)

All right, I am just going to mention the phenomena of some guys getting funnier after they are involved in a serious relationship. So far I can only think of two concrete examples, but they are good ones.

1) Derek - After Derek started dating Sarah he really lightened up and started to crack me up. He was funny before, but now he's hilarious.

2) Brian - Brian married Alison and suddenly became lots funnier with a more random sense of humor.

I wish I could get some testimonials or something, oh wait, Jenn just walked in the door and I asked her and she said Rachel became funnier after she married Jeremy. The proof is in the pudding folks.

It will be my birthday soon and I do not want to talk about it. Instead I would rather talk about Trivial Pursuit and how I will most likely not be playing it anytime soon because Elise hates it and so does almost everyone else I know, except for Traever and JonAthan. That is why I put up with you two, because you are almost the only people I know who like to play Trivial Pursuit.

Someday I am going to go to a real circus. Not that Lamda Chi Gamma Pi or whatever-it's-called circus, but a real circus with elephants and trapez people and tight rope walkers and flame swallowers. Even if I have to go to Romania, I am going to go to a for-real circus.

I need a haircut, desperately. My hair looks like weeds growing out of my head. It is not nearly as soft as it usually is and it is making me depressed. I just want to chop it off with an ax all at once. Do you think that would work? I would never really do it, but just out of curiousity.

Also, I'm just kidding, JonAthan and Traever, you guys are also sometimes-funny and so I put up with you for that reason too.

Monday, September 25, 2006

Oh What Now

Everyone should read books and/or watch the history channel. Do you know why? Because it makes you good at Trivial Pursuit, and it gives you a large vocabulary.

I am so tired. My eyes are closing right now.

I was just at work and I framed the movie all wrong. Really you couldn't tell, but sometimes, it was painfully obvious to me. No one complained though, so I just pretended that's the way it was supposed to be. It's because the movie is in "flat" which I hate with all my heart. Flat means that the lens is flush with the front of the projector, instead of sticking out like "scope." Anyway, flat is really hard for me to frame and so I almost always do it wrong.

Also, here is a list of movies I recently saw that I thought were good:

Gee golly, I think that's all. I can't believe it. But really quick I recommend that everyone watch the movie "Flash Gordon." It's hil-a-ri-ous. Leslie and I watched it and laughed so hard we cried. Plus all the costumes are made of gold lame (pronounced la-may, not lame like, "he was so lame." I can't find the tool that inserts accent marks) and sequins. And there's a guy called "Emporer Ming of Mungo."

By the way, one of my high school classmated got married and I went to the reception with Alison and Brian came along and I took a card and it was blank and I didn't know what to say and Brian wanted me to write, "Go forth and multiply" in it. I didn't do that but I did sign it as "Regina."

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Holly Just Said . . . .

We were looking at some scandalous photos on Holly's facebook and somehow she logged herself out, accidentally and she looked at us and said, "It was the Lord's will."

And then I laughed and said I would write it on my blog and Jenn said, "Write something funny about me. Say, 'Jenn is so funny and cool.'

That made me laugh too.

You know what else makes me laugh?, or maybe it's .com, but either way I laugh.

Monday, September 11, 2006

The Rodeo

If possible I remember this rodeo less than the last one. It was really fun though. That's just about all I remember. Also I bought an antique fan for fifty cents. It was awesome. It was also awesome because we weren't skinned alive. Oh! And we finally ate at Joe and Walt's Fort Diner and it was really good and tastey. TJ got the thunder burger and it wreaked havoc on his insides. Everyone else got regular hamburgers and we were all fine.

The acutal rodeo was really fun. Jenn didn't get yelled at by an old man but JonAthan kept making obnoxious comments to the elderly couple next to us until they finally gave up and became his friends.

Hmmmmm, what else happened. It's pretty hazy however I definitely remember playing "20 Questions" and "I See Something . . ." That was when we were sitting in the "Hy-vee" parking lot eating tubs of ice cream with spoons Jenn stole from the deli.

Well that's all I remember right now.

P.S. Oh, and Alison and Brian stayed awake for the drive home. Thanks guys. Also, thanks to Brian for making that rather good save in the Joe and Walt parking lot. I totally dropped the ball there.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

An Irresponsible Streak

First of all, the most important thing . . . I am not at all helpless although, yes I will admit it, sometimes I am irresponsible. Like that time I had to get my course schedule turned in if I wanted my financial aid and to do that I had to get all my internship paperwork turned in and I waited until the absolute last moment and man was that the worst day ever, but I got it turned in on time and therefore my financial aid was not taken away. However, things usually work out because miracles take care of me.

Second I am going nuts because I did absolutely none of the stuff I was supposed to do over the weekend and now I feel like I'm suffocating. You know those stories with the morals? Well, I have learned my lesson. I do not think that I will do anything like this ever again, but maybe I will . . . maybe. Also, I have no money. And I think I paid my rent, I think I did.

This is not typical by the way. Usually I have my little ducks lined up in a row.

There are no exciting stories except I am in a ceramics class and my hands are all dry and gnarled now, just like an old man's. Oh, and hopefully the rodeo is this weekend. I'm not sure though. No one has mentioned it to me, like maybe everyone else forgot about it. That would be tragic.