Friday, October 14, 2005

The Slow Cousin

One time at work Jon made me try and take apart a film (because sometimes he's mean) . . . while the projector was running and there were people in the theater who would become an angry mob if I screwed up and ruined their movie. Anyway, I went really slow (because I'd never done it before by myself and the last time I was in the room while it was being done it flew off the platter and went everywhere and it was a disaster, except for the funny joke about the irish nun and the penguin) and Jon said I was "the slow cousin that everyone had to be nice to at Thanksgiving" because it took me so long to take it apart.

I am not the slow cousin. Really I'm not. I am the clumsy cousin who eats all the mashed potatoes because I love mashed potatoes, but I'm not the slow cousin. My family does not have a slow cousin. All of my cousins are pretty intelligent and talented. Leslie said that she did not have any slow cousins either, so it was perfectly natural that I did not as well, and therefore the lack of a "slow cousin" in my family was not an indication that I was, indeed, the slow cousin. See, I was right all along!


Blogger Traever Guingrich said...

we have a slow cousin in our family. she's lives at linden and she's actually pretty funny. i'm the hot cousin.

10:48 AM  
Blogger Booder said...

my brother is probably the hot cousin, at least everyone else thinks so and when i say everyone else, i just mean holly (who isn't even my cousin).

3:41 PM  
Blogger Traever Guingrich said...

ok, new post now please

11:32 AM  

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