Friday, September 30, 2005

Laying Some Smack Down

All right. It is my birthday, and I have already gotten two presents. Also, last night I worked the Ike Reilly concert and it was really fun except for the annoying guy who kept trying to ask Leslie and me out. This is how a bit of the conversation went:

- That annoying guy: "Hey, can I have your email?"
- Leslie: "No. I don't use email."
- That annoying guy: "Hey neither do I, but I really want to keep in touch with you."
- Leslie: "Well, you can't. I don't keep in touch with anyone. Not even my friends. I'm a horrible person really."

Isn't that great!! I was so proud of her. I am also proud of myself because I chased down a girl who did not pay. I didn't literally chase her down, but I did find her and tell her she had to pay. Here is how our conversation went:

Me: "Excuse me, do you have a ticket?"
Girl: "No."
Me: "Then you need to buy one." she hands me ten dollars
Girl: In a fake innocent voice "Do I need to get my hand stamped . . . so I can go in and out?"
Me: "No. I'll remember you, you stupid jerk."

I'm sorry, but it is just so rude to try and sneak into a concert when people are working their butts-to-nothing to bring the whole thing off. I was a mighty warrior laying some smack down on that girl!! Before I worked at the Castle, I was too shy to lay smack down, but thanks to Jon and Pilar, I can now lay down smack like a pro! Thanks Jon and Pilar!!


Blogger Traever Guingrich said...

i just want to acknowledge the fact that your last post was one sentence about me and it got you more comments than any other one so far. hmmm, kinda makes you think. i must be really great. it is for this reason and many others that i'm so full of myself.

(though no full of myself enough to start a blog)

2:10 PM  
Blogger Tami said...

yeah, i got the play by play from leslie this afternoon. sounds like it was less than flattering, but way to go anyway! kendra (my roommate) got proposed to by a guy in bergners the other day 'cause he liked her...slaka. yeah, she was mortified.
traever, i must say, that probably the reason that there were so many comments under your name was because you wrote half of them! :) no, seriously, i think your second to last comment was one of the nicest things i've ever had someone tell me, so (running the risk of being sappy) you succeeded in shocking me twice and it made my day. seriously.
amanda, i know you didn't create this blog for me to give my oscar speeches, so i'm done for now!

5:41 PM  
Blogger Booder said...

traever, you may notice that it was my brilliant and clever insult that started the barrage. it is just a coincidence that it happened to be about you. and also, i invented purdue.

jonathan . . . i'm sorry, but backwards!!? oh well, at least i share my deviance with callie.

and tami, don't worry about your oscar speeches. they're very nice and at least you spell everything right.

9:26 PM  
Blogger Traever Guingrich said...

one, i love you tami.
two, your insult was not brillant, it was a blatant lie.
three, you stole that "i invented" line from me.
four,why do you get random posts from people who say they are just "cruising blogs" and then try and get you to go to thiers.
five, six.

10:38 AM  

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