Monday, October 03, 2005


Spelunking, if you are not aware, is the hobby of cave exploring. It is probably very exciting and interesting, but I would not know as I have never done it. There are sometimes bats in caves and bat poop is called "guano".

That is The Random Bit Of What I Know for the day.

My birthday is over and now I am just old. It makes me hate people younger than me. Also, and here is a sobering thought, I am now only 18 years away from 40. That's no good. However, someone did tell me that life starts at 30 and I can only conclude that they must have been lying or else sadly misinformed. Well, that's all for now. Except this:

1) Traever, that was not a blatant lie. It was a truthful statement as is proven by your overly-adamant protest and denial of its verity. Did ya get all that . . . with your one eye?

2) Also, I did not steal the "I invented" line from you. I don't claim to have invented it, but I did not "steal" it from you.

3) Ali, it's okay. You didn't have to get me anything period, so don't worry if the thing that you did get me is late.

4) I feel bad about the "one-eye" jab, and Traver . . . i'm sorry.


Blogger Booder said...

yeah, too much silly bickering. anyway, i have this blog for pointless, meaningless conversation and it ain't gonna do nothin else.

and thanks les, i'll try to stay true to my roots . . . of evil.

9:11 PM  
Blogger Traever Guingrich said...

as long as i'm being attacked i'm gonna have to defend myself. if it "puffs me up" in the process than so be it. maybe we could just settle it with a good old fashion arm wrestling match. winner take all. all being eachothers pride. i guess i have a lot more to lose then.

little known fact: leslie and bodder once got in a fist fight over craig. leslie just wanted to use him for his body and bodder wanted to love and marry him. they never really resolved the issue and both are still trying to get what they want. word to the wise leslie, craig is not a piece of meat to be used to satisfy all your uncontrolled lust. he's a goood man. and booder, he's out of your league.

6:56 AM  
Blogger Booder said...

- " . . . and bodder just wanted to love and marry him." -

traever, i am going to put that on a t-shirt. maybe i'll give it to you for christmas . . .

8:52 PM  

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