Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Commercials (Remember 12 Monkeys Leslie?)

My favorite commercials are:
- Snickers commercials - I love the old ones and the one where the guy is eating the Snickers and then another guy just randomly shows up and says, "Let me help you enjoy that," and then he starts singing . . . it's hilarious.

Those are the only commercials I can think of right now, but I know there are some more that I love.

Anyway, I was watching The Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The New One That Totally Blows and I decided that if myself and Jenn and Leslie and just anyone that I know, if we had been in that particular situation, we would not have died. We would have been like, "Sheriffs do not make civillians transport dead bodies to abandoned mills and then wrap said body in Saran wrap. Something is definately wrong here. Let's leave immediately." It would have been a very short movie because we would have gotten into our van and left that weirdo town right away. That's what I decided. And I know it's a movie, but that doesn't matter. I'm just saying that I'm pretty confident my friends and I would survive The Texas Chainsaw Massacre.

Also, can a person really run for miles and miles, carrying a chainsaw, with one of their arms cut off? I mean, wouldn't they go into shock from loss of blood? I understand a cut or something like a gun shot wound, but an arm completely gone?

In other news:
- I got a new phone because my old one broke.
- The bids for oil tracts off the coast of Angolia are astronomically high.

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Food Talk

I love to go to Taco Bell or Denny's at midnight. However, only Leslie will go with me. Jenn is asleep by 10:00 PM and Holly doesn't want to be tempted to eat anything because she's always trying to control what she eats (and while I believe in moderation, I think that you should eat whatever you want to) and so she won't go either.

I just saw this new music video. I know you would appreciate it. It was number three on the rock countdown. It's super cool, kind of an homage to The Shining.

In case you don't know, I am a music video junkie. For real. I love music videos. They are so neat-o. I think it's amazing how they can tell a story in like three minutes, and some of them are pretty substantial. Some videos suck, but some of them have great visuals and they're just cool. Anyway, enough about that . . . .

Back to the food. I don't eat all the time, but I like to eat at weird hours and Les is usually there to do it with me. No one else I know is willing to eat at 1 o'clock in the morning. Everyone else has set meal times, and so they are completely against going to Denny's and getting a banana split at 2:00 AM. Therefore, it's depressing when Les is out of the country and I have to go to Steak n' Shake by myself and get everything to go. Except for that one time when I made friends with the manager because he was really bored.

Well, I think I'm going to go get some cheese and crackers and maybe a bottle of wine . . . and then I'll draw a picture of Les on some cardboard and put a hat on it and sit it in a chair and talk to it. Yeah, probably.

Saturday, June 17, 2006

Like a Bicycle Shop Without the Bicycles

I am so absolutely tired. There were bands at work and they didn't get their stuff packed up until 3:00 AM! 3:00 AM! Who takes that long to put a sound board into a trailer!? It was the extension cords. They had to wind them up in perfect loops and it took forever because there were about a million of them strung out all over the place.

I just got off work and I want to take a nap, but it's too late. There is a point in time after which it is impossible to take a good nap. I think it's 5:00 PM. If I sleep after 5:00 with the intention of getting up and going on with the day . . . well, it's too late because the day is over and I slept it away and the only thing left to do is go to bed. I suppose this only applies to me because I take two hour naps. Other people can take 15 minute naps, but I can't. My naps are an hour at least. One time I got home from school at like 3:00 and then I slept until 8:00. That was awesome, but at the same time I almost had a panic attack because I felt like I had slept my life away.

Tomorrow is father's day, right? I haven't even gotten anything for my dad. I'll have to do that before I go home. My dad is hard to shop for because when I ask him what he wants, he says, "I would like a new combine," or something like that, so usually I just get him some Macademia nuts because he likes those too.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

It's Back to Work With You!

I am in a pretty good mood because I just ate a gigantic bowl of ice cream with chocolate syrup and three different kinds of sprinkles. Consequently:
-Traever, you can come to the rodeo, but you're not allowed to bring that blue bat.

I can't talk about the rodeo because if I do I get too excited about buying a newer and even tackier vest and getting an oddball board game and shopping at dollar general and watching team calf roping or whatever and the little kids tied to the sheep and listening to Tool during the concert and just everything. I have to think about something else.

Here we go. What Japanese war cry meant "May you live forever!"? That's another for-real Trivial Pursuit question. A yellow one this time and I'm betting that someone will know the answer.

Today my list of things to do included:
- jogging
- laying out
- eating
- watching movies

Absolutely nothing is going on and that's okay with me.

Friday, June 09, 2006

It Gets Cold at Night in the Desert.

I have extra money and I am going to go buy books. Here is a list of people I know who would disapprove of this action:
- Jenn - Jenn thinks books are a waste of time

Actually, I think that's all. Probably a couple other people, but I don't know for sure. That turned out to be a short list. Wonderful! Did you know that Vunderbarr (sp?) is German for wonderful? I bet you didn't.

I like to watch Jame Bond movies with my dad. We have the best time ever. Anyway, they are making a new James Bond movie called, "Casino Royale" which was one of the very first books by Ian Flemming. I know because I have it. Anyway, I'm just curious as to how this movie will turn out. I mean it's a different guy and everything and this particular story is kind of dark and sinister. Anyway, I'm pretty sure no one cares about this, but I'm kind of excited.

Something else that I am excited about:
- going mini-golfing - I shouldn't be excited about that though because I always 1) lose or 2) get hit in the face with a golf club.

I have to go cash my check before I fall asleep.

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Drink More Water, You

Actually my new nickname is "Ruiner" because I seem to cause a lot of accidents. For instance, I accidentally smash random car windshields and blow up computers. In short, I ruin stuff. I have a knack for unintentionally causing serious damage.

Here's some news:
- I saw X-Men: The Third. It wasn't so good.
- I have decided to start drinking more water . . . if it tastes like juice.

I can't think of anymore news. I am so tired. I wish I had my sidekick here but she is off helping orphans in Ukraine . . . and possibly getting hepatitis from the contaminated water, but I certainly hope not.

My arm hurts. I burned it at work and now there is a very big, tear drop shaped, red mark on me. It makes me frustrated and short tempered.

I just thought of something cheery though. Here, "What was the only nation besides the U.S. with at least 59 active nuclear power reactors in 2000?" That's a for-real Trivial Pursuit question. A blue one. I bet no one guesses the answer. That reminds me: Traever, I'm still looking for that quarter you owe me. I'm going to put it towards my student loans . . . so anytime now.

Also, Dave have you watched Samurai Champloo yet? Cause if not then get to it sucka!

Sunday, June 04, 2006

Make That "Florence 'Ruiner' Disalvo"

Here's the news:
1) Neither Traever or JonAthan "wiped the floor with me" at Trivial Pursuit.
2) It was established that I am Doc Holliday . . . and Eugene Roe.
3) I'm terrible at ping-pong.
4) Leslie beat me at air hockey.

Leslie and Callie and I had fun in church today. We all sat together like little ducks in a row. I sat next to Callie and Leslie was on the other side of Callie and during the announcements or whatever, I started poking Callie (including my finger up her nose) and she started pinching me and telling me to stop it and then Leslie reached over and tried to hold my hands still but I was laughing so hard I was shaking and then they started laughing too. It was really really fun and yes I know Traever, I'm such a sinner. But I did pay attention during the sermon. I paid attention so much that I kind of doubted the facts of the minister's example story. Callie knows what I'm talking about it. It just goes to show that I am Sherlock Holmes and you, Callie, are Watson. At least today you were.

That reminds me. I saw one of the best movies ever yesterday, but I'm not going to tell you what it is. All I know is that movie will put you in your place.

My new nickname is "Ruiner."