Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Straight Hair

I've noticed that no one seems to take skin cancer seriously anymore. That seems dangerous, but then again I don't trouble with sunscreen all the time either.

Right this moment I am eating a king size thing of Reese's Peanut Butter Cups. Consequently I can only type with one hand so it's slow going. Peanut Butter Cups used to be my favorite candy. My favorite candy as of now might be Lik-A-Maid or more specifically, the Lik-A-Stik in the Lik-A-Maid. I also like Junior Mints, but that's because I eat them constantly at work. Candy goes like this:
- Peanut Butter Twix
- Lik-A-Maid
- Reese's
- Snickers
- Junior Mints
- Peanut Butter M&M's

Actually, Peanut Butter M&M's are up there with Peanut Butter Twix. Leslie likes fruity candy, like Mike & Ike's. She also likes Redvines. The Ringgers and Alice Cooper are the only people I've heard of who like Redvines. If you don't know, "Redvines" are extra-hard-to-chew licorice whips. It's like eating strawberry flavored plastic, but in a good way.

I also like candy necklaces. They are so wonderful.

Anyway, down to business. I am bringing Trivial Pursuit with me on Friday and I'll play by myself if I have to. I have also decided that if I had any kind of guts that I would get a mohawk and wear a leather jacket and ripped up jeans with one of those wallet chain things, but then it turns out that I'd rather just take a nap.

That reminds me, people with dreadlocks make me so mad. They make me feel like they are socially aware and that I am somehow failing in that department. It's like their hair is constantly mocking me because mine is straight and so I don't know what bubble tea is and I'm not a vegetarian.

In conclusion I sincerely hope that Leslie isn't in Ukraine yet. That wouldn't be cool at all.


Blogger Booder said...

i forgot rollos and skittles and kit kats and charleston chews! i love frozen charleston chews! i used to have them at the pool when i was little.

1:34 PM  

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