Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Okay, Here's What . . .

Does anybody want to go skiing in Colorado on February 3rd? My mom wants me to go, but I don't know if I can get off work. Isn't that horrible? I might miss Colorado because I can't get off work. I hate real life.

Do you know what I just bought? I just bought Resident Evil 4. So far I have opened the packaging and looked at it. I'm not scared of it and you are silly for thinking that.

When I grow up I am going to be like Robin Hood. That or a socialist. Probably not for real, but seeing how people handle and hoard money makes me want to behave rashly. I like the word Rashoman. It is the title of a Japanese movie and I cannot think of the English translation at the moment. I will look it up on Wikipedia when I am able to. That is my new hobby, looking things up on Wikipedia. I do it all the time at work when I could be filing tax reports. And I look up and read about completely useless and unrelated things, like the moons of Jupiter and Rommel's activity in Africa for instance. I also used the company printer to print off 48 pages of a manuscript not related to work. At all. What a glorious day that was. Except I got caught and had to make up a story on the spot.

Well, that's enough of that. One time Leslie and I bought this huge package of pudding snacks, but we (and when I say "we" I mean "I" because Leslie didn't pay for anything) bought them with the stipulation that we eat every single one that night and guess what! We did! I suppose we each only had three pudding snacks, but it felt like a lot because we also ate popcorn and chips and probably some other stuff too. You know what else? I don't care if that was a stupid story. I am ready to go home and I can't because everybody in the entire universe sucks.

P.S. My dad got mad at me last night for saying "that sucks." He told me not to be so vulgar.

P.P.S. I'll check and see if you got any mail JonAthan. Or else I won't, but I probably will.


Blogger Traever Guingrich said...

if you're on a computer all the time why not update this thing more? you don't make any sense.
do you have somewhere to stay in colorado for free? because if you do i'll go. but if i go i'm not gonna makeout with you so just get that idea out of your head right now.

5:18 AM  
Blogger Booder said...

traever, talk about not making any sense. yes the place is free. you can only go if andrea goes with you to keep you in line.

jonAthan, i'll go check for your mail today, but I bet those girls would probably know to send it to you.

9:28 AM  
Blogger Traever Guingrich said...

how do we get there?

10:51 AM  
Blogger Booder said...

we drive. and this is for real buster. but guess what. i am able to go now because i was able to get it off work! you can come if you want to, but like i said, andrea has to come too. or your mother. someone has to be in charge of you.

3:51 PM  

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